
Circulatory Health nieuws

Circulatory Health nieuws

Start of national study into congenital heart disease

About one in every hundred babies is born with congenital heart disease, of which many develop cardiovascular problems at a later age. Therefore, a large national study into congenital heart disease is launched. The goal of this project is to enable more people with ‘construction errors’ in the heart to grow old healthy. The project – worth three million euros in total – is financed by the Dutch Heart Foundation and Stichting Hartekind. Jeroen Bakkers, professor of Molecular Cardiogenetics at the UMC Utrecht and group leader at the Hubrecht Institute, is one of the leaders of the project.

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Expanding Human Cardiomyocytes for Cardiac Repair

Heart failure is a major health problem with a significantly unmet medical need. Causes of heart failure include heart attack from coronary artery occlusion (blocked blood flow in an artery) or cardiomyopathy, an intrinsic disease of heart muscle cells, among others. The loss of heart muscle cells (cardiomyocytes; CMs) leads to impaired heart function, resulting in frequent hospitalization and/or death.

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