
Smits, M.L.J. (Maarten)

Smits, M.L.J. (Maarten)


MS Radiologie

BIG nr. 69914831001

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Abdomen radiologie



Maarten Smits is an interventional radiologist with a focus on oncologic and abdominal interventions. His research activities range from radioembolization with yttrium-90 and holmium-166 microspheres, chemo-embolization (TACE), radiofrequency ablation, microwave ablation and MRI-guided interventions.

In 2013, he obtained his PhD on the thesis entitled “Holmium radioembolization for patients with liver metastases”. Promotores: Prof. Maurice van den Bosch and Prof. Willem Mali.

Besides his training at the UMC Utrecht, Dr. Smits has had internships/fellowship positions at Stanford University, University Hospital of Magdeburg, Amsterdam UMC (VUmc), and Erasmus MC Rotterdam.

Side activities:

  • Chair of the Scientific Committee Interventional Radiologie (WCIR) by the Dutch Society of Interventional Radiology
  • Proctor for Terumo / Quirem Medical


  • Woldringprijs - thesis award - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Nucleaire Geneeskunde  (2014)
  • Fellowship Clinical Research Talent – Post-doctoral research track grant awarded by the University Medical Center Utrecht (2014)
  • Best Thesis Award – Imago Graduate School of Life Sciences Utrecht (2014)
  • Best Article Award – Imago Graduate School of Life Sciences Utrecht (2013)
  • Travel grant – For research internship at Stanford University by the Foundation for Image-guided Cancer Treatments (SBBvK.nl) (2012)
  • Alexander Suerman Stipendium – PhD Research track grant by the University Medical Center Utrecht (2011)
  • Kanker in Beeld Award - the Foundation for Image-guided Cancer Treatments (SBBvK.nl) (2011)
  • KWF student scholarship – Dutch Cancer Society (KWF) (2009)

Publicatiesuitklapper, klik om te openen

>  Publicaties van M.L.J. (Maarten) Smits op PubMed

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