
dr. M.B. (Maarten) Rookmaaker

dr. M.B. (Maarten) Rookmaaker

Assistant Professor - medical

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Research Output (75)

Renal Biology Driven Macro- and Microscale Design Strategies for Creating an Artificial Proximal Tubule Using Fiber-Based Technologies

Vermue IJsbrand M, Begum Runa, Castilho Miguel, Rookmaaker Maarten B, Masereeuw Rosalinde, Bouten Carlijn V C, Verhaar Marianne C, Cheng Caroline 7 Sep 2021, In: ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering. 7 , p. 4679-4693 15 p.

Regulation of Solute Carriers OCT2 and OAT1/3 in the Kidney:A Phylogenetic, Ontogenetic and Cell Dynamic Perspective

Pou Casellas Carla, Jansen Katja, Rookmaaker Maarten B, Clevers Hans, Verhaar Marianne C, Masereeuw Rosalinde 6 Sep 2021, In: Physiological Reviews. 102 , p. 993-1024 32 p.

Defining the variety of cell types in developing and adult human kidneys by single-cell RNA sequencing

Schumacher A., Rookmaaker M. B., Joles J. A., Kramann R., Nguyen T. Q., van Griensven M., LaPointe V. L.S. 11 Aug 2021, In: npj Regenerative Medicine. 6 , p. 1-11

Von Willebrand factor, ADAMTS13 and mortality in dialysis patients

Ocak Gurbey, Roest Mark, Verhaar Marianne C, Rookmaaker Maarten B, Blankestijn Peter J, Bos Willem Jan W, Fijnheer Rob, Péquériaux Nathalie C, Dekker Friedo W 16 Jun 2021, In: BMC Nephrology. 22 , p. 1-9

A Perspective on a Urine-Derived Kidney Tubuloid Biobank from Patients with Hereditary Tubulopathies

Schutgens Frans, Rookmaaker Maarten, Verhaar Marianne Mar 2021, In: Tissue Engineering - Part C: Methods. 27 , p. 177-182 6 p.

Modeling Distal Convoluted Tubule (Patho)Physiology:An Overview of Past Developments and an Outlook Toward the Future

Olde Hanhof Charlotte J A, Yousef Yengej Fjodor A, Rookmaaker Maarten B, Verhaar Marianne C, Van der Wijst Jenny, Hoenderop Joost G 5 Feb 2021, In: Tissue engineering. Part C, Methods. 27 , p. 200-212 13 p.

A Plasma Creatinine- and Urea-Based Equation to Estimate Glomerular Filtration Rate in Rats

Besseling Paul J, Pieters Tobias Theodorus, Nguyen Isabel T N, de Bree Petra M, Willekes Nel, Dijk Adele H, Bovée Dominique M, Hoorn Ewout J, Rookmaaker Maarten B, Gerritsen Karin G, Verhaar Marianne C, Gremmels Hendrik, Joles Jaap A 1 Feb 2021, In: American journal of physiology. Renal physiology. 320 , p. F518-F524

Culture and analysis of kidney tubuloids and perfused tubuloid cells-on-a-chip

Gijzen Linda, Yousef Yengej Fjodor A, Schutgens Frans, Vormann Marianne K, Ammerlaan Carola M E, Nicolas Arnaud, Kurek Dorota, Vulto Paul, Rookmaaker Maarten B, Lanz Henriette L, Verhaar Marianne C, Clevers Hans 2021, In: Nature protocols. 16 , p. 2023-2050 28 p.

The use of implicit persuasion in decision-making about treatment for end-stage kidney disease

van Dulmen Sandra, Peereboom Emma, Schulze Lotte, Prantl Karen, Rookmaaker Maarten, van Jaarsveld Brigit C., Abrahams Alferso C., Roodbeen Ruud 2021, In: Peritoneal Dialysis International. 42 , p. 377-386

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