Tips for the consultation
Stress or emotions can result in the consultation with the healthcare provider turning out different to what you had hoped for. You might not recall what you had wanted to ask until you are back outside. Thorough preparation can help you obtain the correct information. This applies to both you and the healthcare provider. The tips below can help you in this regard.

Preparing for your consultation uitklapper, klik om te openen
- Write down your questions.
- Decide what questions you would like to ask at a minimum.
- Got a lot of questions? Then make this clear when making the appointment.
- Take a trusted companion to the consultation. If you are hesitant about asking a question, then this person will be able to help you. It can also be pleasant to discuss things together afterwards. Two people remember more than one.
- Please bring a current list of medication you are using. You can obtain such a list from your pharmacy.
- Being admitted? If so, please bring all medication you are using in its original packaging. Including medication not prescribed by a physician, such as painkillers or St. John’s wort.
During the consultation
- Ask your most important questions first.
- Note down the answers to your questions.
- If need be, ask for medical terms to be explained.
- You might wish to repeat in your own words what you think the healthcare provider means. Ask whether you have understood correctly.
- What do you think is important for the healthcare provider to know about you? Tell them. This could be a previous hospital experience or something that you are nervous about. However, it could also be something to do with your religion or information about your family.
- Ask for time to think if you need to make a difficult decision.
- Still got some questions following your consultation? Then please make a new appointment.