
prof. dr. L.H. (Leonard) van den Berg

prof. dr. L.H. (Leonard) van den Berg

Full Professor

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Research Output (639)

Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trial with pyridostigmine in spinal muscular atrophy types 2-4

Stam Marloes, Wijngaarde Camiel A., Bartels Bart, Asselman Fay Lynn, Otto Louise A.M., Habets Laura E., Van Eijk Ruben P.A., Middelkoop Bas M., Goedee H. Stephan, De Groot Janke F., Roes Kit C.B., Schoenmakers Marja A.G.C., Nieuwenhuis Edward E.S., Cuppen Inge, Van Den Berg Leonard H., Wadman Renske I., Van Der Pol W. Ludo 2023, In: Brain communications. 5 11 p.

Acute retigabine-induced effects on myelinated motor axons in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Sleutjes Boudewijn T H M, Stikvoort García Diederik J L, Kovalchuk Maria O, Heuberger Jules A A C, Groeneveld Geert Jan, Franssen Hessel, van den Berg Leonard H Aug 2022, In: Pharmacology research & perspectives. 10 , p. 1-7

Patient perspectives on digital healthcare technology in care and clinical trials for motor neuron disease:an international survey

Helleman Jochem, Johnson Barbara, Holdom Cory, Hobson Esther, Murray Deirdre, Steyn Frederik J, Ngo Shyuan T, Henders Anjali, Lokeshappa Madhura B, Visser-Meily Johanna M A, van den Berg Leonard H, Hardiman Orla, Beelen Anita, McDermott Chris, van Eijk Ruben P A 18 Jul 2022, In: Journal of Neurology. 269 , p. 6003-6013 11 p.

Author Correction:Genome-wide association analyses identify new Brugada syndrome risk loci and highlight a new mechanism of sodium channel regulation in disease susceptibility

Barc Julien, Tadros Rafik, Glinge Charlotte, Chiang David Y, Jouni Mariam, Simonet Floriane, Jurgens Sean J, Baudic Manon, Nicastro Michele, Potet Franck, Offerhaus Joost A, Walsh Roddy, Choi Seung Hoan, Verkerk Arie O, Mizusawa Yuka, Anys Soraya, Minois Damien, Arnaud Marine, Duchateau Josselin, Wijeyeratne Yanushi D, Muir Alison, Papadakis Michael, Castelletti Silvia, Torchio Margherita, Ortuño Cristina Gil, Lacunza Javier, Giachino Daniela F, Cerrato Natascia, Martins Raphaël P, Campuzano Oscar, Van Dooren Sonia, Thollet Aurélie, Kyndt Florence, Mazzanti Andrea, Clémenty Nicolas, Bisson Arnaud, Corveleyn Anniek, Stallmeyer Birgit, Dittmann Sven, Saenen Johan, Noël Antoine, Honarbakhsh Shohreh, Rudic Boris, Marzak Halim, Rowe Matthew K, Federspiel Claire, Le Page Sophie, Placide Leslie, Veldink Jan H, van den Berg Leonard H, 26 Apr 2022, In: Nature Genetics. 54 , p. 735 1 p.

Whole-genome sequencing reveals that variants in the Interleukin 18 Receptor Accessory Protein 3'UTR protect against ALS

Eitan Chen, Siany Aviad, Barkan Elad, Olender Tsviya, van Eijk Kristel R, Moisse Matthieu, Farhan Sali M K, Danino Yehuda M, Yanowski Eran, Marmor-Kollet Hagai, Rivkin Natalia, Yacovzada Nancy Sarah, Hung Shu-Ting, Cooper-Knock Johnathan, Yu Chien-Hsiung, Louis Cynthia, Masters Seth L, Kenna Kevin P, van der Spek Rick A A, Sproviero William, Al Khleifat Ahmad, Iacoangeli Alfredo, Shatunov Aleksey, Jones Ashley R, Elbaz-Alon Yael, Cohen Yahel, Chapnik Elik, Rothschild Daphna, Weissbrod Omer, Beck Gilad, Ainbinder Elena, Ben-Dor Shifra, Werneburg Sebastian, Schafer Dorothy P, Brown Robert H, Shaw Pamela J, Van Damme Philip, van den Berg Leonard H, Phatnani Hemali, Segal Eran, Ichida Justin K, Al-Chalabi Ammar, Veldink Jan H, Hornstein Eran, Apr 2022, In: Nature Neuroscience. 25 , p. 433-445 13 p.

Genetic variants associated with longitudinal changes in brain structure across the lifespan

Brouwer Rachel M, Klein Marieke, Grasby Katrina L, Schnack Hugo G, Jahanshad Neda, Teeuw Jalmar, Thomopoulos Sophia I, Sprooten Emma, Franz Carol E, Gogtay Nitin, Kremen William S, Panizzon Matthew S, Olde Loohuis Loes M, Whelan Christopher D, Aghajani Moji, Alloza Clara, Alnæs Dag, Artiges Eric, Ayesa-Arriola Rosa, Barker Gareth J, Bastin Mark E, Blok Elisabet, Bøen Erlend, Breukelaar Isabella A, Bright Joanna K, Buimer Elizabeth E L, Bülow Robin, Cannon Dara M, Ciufolini Simone, Crossley Nicolas A, Damatac Christienne G, Dazzan Paola, de Mol Casper L, de Zwarte Sonja M C, Desrivières Sylvane, Díaz-Caneja Covadonga M, Janssen Joost, Koevoets Martijn G J C, Mandl René C W, Setiaman Nikita, van Haren Neeltje E M, Westeneng Henk-Jan, van Eijk Kristel R, Cahn Wiepke, Hillegers Manon, Kahn Rene S, Ophoff Roel A, van den Berg Leonard H, Veldink Jan H, Hulshoff Pol Hilleke E, Apr 2022, In: Nature Neuroscience. 25 , p. 421-432 12 p.

Sports and trauma as risk factors for Motor Neurone Disease:New Zealand case-control study

Chen Grace Xia, Douwes Jeroen, van den Berg Leonard H, Glass Bill, McLean David, 't Mannetje Andrea Martine 31 Mar 2022, In: Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 145 , p. 770-785 16 p.

Joint modeling of endpoints can be used to answer various research questions in randomized clinical trials

van Eijk Ruben P A, Roes Kit C B, van den Berg Leonard H, Lu Ying 26 Mar 2022, In: Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 147 , p. 32-39 8 p.

Occupational exposures to pesticides and other chemicals:a New Zealand motor neuron disease case-control study

Chen Grace Xia, Douwes J, van den Berg Leonard, Pearce Neil, Kromhout Hans, Glass Bill, McLean David J, 't Mannetje Andrea Martine 22 Mar 2022, In: Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 79 , p. 412-420 9 p.

Burden and benefit-A mixed methods study of informal Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis caregivers in Ireland and the Netherlands

Kennedy Polly, Conroy Éilís, Heverin Mark, Leroi Iracema, Beelen Anita, van den Berg Leonard, Hardiman Orla, Galvin Miriam 14 Mar 2022, In: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 37 , p. 1-12

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