
dr. N.P. (Niels) van der Kaaij

dr. N.P. (Niels) van der Kaaij

Associate Professor - medical

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Research Output (39)

Listing criteria for heart transplantation in the Netherlands

de Jonge N., Damman K., Ramjankhan F. Z., van der Kaaij N. P., van den Broek S. A.J., Erasmus M. E., Kuijpers M., Manintveld O., Bekkers J. A., Constantinescu A. C., Brugts J. J., Oerlemans M. I.F., van Laake L. W., Caliskan K. 2021, In: Netherlands Heart Journal. 29 , p. 611-622 12 p.

Sarcoma of the Heart Treated with Stereotactic MR-Guided Online Adaptive Radiation Therapy

Pomp Jacquelien, van Asselen Bram, Tersteeg Robbert H A, Vink Aryan, Hassink Rutger J, van der Kaaij Niels P, van Aarnhem Guido E E H L, Verhoeff Joost J C 2021, In: Case Reports in Oncology. 14 , p. 453-458 6 p.

Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns in Myocardial Infarction and Heart Transplantation:The Road to Translational Success

Silvis Max J M, Kaffka Genaamd Dengler Selma E, Odille Clémence A, Mishra Mudit, van der Kaaij Niels P, Doevendans Pieter, Sluijter Joost P G, de Kleijn Dominique P V, de Jager Saskia C A, Bosch Lena, van Hout Gerardus P J 8 Dec 2020, In: Frontiers in Immunology. 11

Immediate impact of COVID-19 on transplant activity in the Netherlands

de Vries A P J, Alwayn I P J, Hoek R A S, van den Berg A P, Ultee F C W, Vogelaar S M, Haase-Kromwijk B J J M, Heemskerk M B A, Hemke A C, Nijboer W N, Schaefer B S, Kuiper M A, de Jonge J, van der Kaaij N P, Reinders M E J Aug 2020, In: Transplant immunology. 61

Waiting list mortality and the potential of donation after circulatory death heart transplantations in the Netherlands

Roest S, Kaffka Genaamd Dengler S E, van Suylen V, van der Kaaij N P, Damman K, van Laake L W, Bekkers J A, Dalinghaus M, Erasmus M E, Manintveld O C 2020, In: Netherlands Heart Journal. 29 , p. 88-97 10 p.

Intracranial Atherosclerotic Burden on 7T MRI Is Associated with Markers of Extracranial Atherosclerosis:The SMART-MR Study

Zwartbol M. H. T., Geerlings M. I., Ghaznawi R., Hendrikse J., van der Kolk A. G., Asselbergs F. W., Nathoe H. M., de Borst G. J., Bots M. L., Emmelot M. H., de Jong P. A., Leiner T., Lely A. T., van der Kaaij N. P., Kappelle L. J., Ruigrok Y. M., Verhaar M. C., Visseren F. L. J., Westerink J., 5 Dec 2019, In: American Journal of Neuroradiology. 40 , p. 2016-2022 7 p.

New Techniques for Optimization of Donor Lungs/Hearts

Braithwaite Sue A, van der Kaaij Niels P Dec 2019, In: Anesthesiology clinics. 37 , p. 639-660 22 p.

The effect of computerized decision support systems on cardiovascular risk factors:A systematic review and meta-analysis

Groenhof T. Katrien J., Asselbergs Folkert W., Groenwold Rolf H. H., Grobbee Diederick E., Visseren Frank L. J., Bots Michiel L., Asselbergs Folkert W., Nathoe H. M., de Borst G. J., Bots Michiel L., Geerlings M. I., Emmelot M. H., de Jong P. A., Leiner T., Lely A. T., van der Kaaij N. P., Kappelle L. J., Ruigrok Y. M., Verhaar M. C., Visseren Frank L. J., Westerink J. 10 Jun 2019, In: BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 19 , p. 108

Awake ECMO on the move to lung transplantation:serial monitoring of physical condition

Hermens J A, Braithwaite S A, Platenkamp M, Wijnandts P.R., Van de Graaf E A, van der Kaaij N P, De Jong M, Heijnen B G, Janssen J, Kesecioglu J, Donker D W May 2017, In: Intensive Care Medicine. 43 , p. 707-708 2 p.

Alveolar preservation with high inflation pressure and intermediate oxygen concentration reduces ischemia-reperfusion injury of the lung.

van der Kaaij N.P., Kluin J., Lachmann R.A., den Bakker M.A., Lambrecht B.N., Lachmann B., de Bruin R.W., Bogers A.J.J.C 2012, In: Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 31 , p. 531-537 7 p.

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