
prof. dr. L.W. (Linda) van Laake

prof. dr. L.W. (Linda) van Laake

Full Professor
prof. dr. L.W. (Linda) van Laake
  • Division of Heart & Lungs



Linda W. Van Laake, MD, PhD obtained her medical degree at Maastricht University and her PhD (title: Cardiac Recovery by Stem and Progenitor Cells) at Utrecht University, after which she continued her scientific career as a postdoctoral researcher at the Gladstone Institutes, University of California, San Francisco (USA). In 2011 she became Assistant Professor at the Department of Cardiology of the University Medical Center Utrecht and the Hubrecht Institute Utrecht, the Netherlands. In addition, she works as a clinical cardiologist specialized in heart failure.

Dr. Van Laake’s team explores novel approaches to regenerate the heart using stem- and progenitor cells. Many cardiovascular diseases, such as heart failure and myocardial infarction, are associated with loss of functional cardiomyocytes (heart muscle cells). A focus on the understanding of fundamental cardiac developmental – and repair processes will promote the recapitulation of cardiac differentiation in vitro. Currently, the team is investigating the influence of circadian or “day-night” rhythms on cardiac development and regeneration.

Combing a variety of novel approaches together with a greater understanding of how heart development and repair work, Dr. Van Laake and her team strive to create better personalized heart failure therapies.


Side Activities

  • Member of the Translational Committee of the Heart Failure Association, European Society of Cardiology
  • Selected participant of the Postgraduate Course in Heart Failure of the Heart Failure Association, European Society of Cardiology
  • Member of the Young ICIN (Interuniversity Cardiology Institute of the Netherlands) committee
  • Selected participant of the Jacob Jongbloed Talent Society Program, Circulatory Health, UMC Utrecht
  • Participant of “The Young Academy on Wheels”; an outreach program by the Young Academy of the KNAW to bring high school students in contact with science and scientists
  • Selected participant of UMC Utrecht female leadership program Steyn Parvé
  • Member of the Young Health Council, an advisory body to the government and parliament on the current level of knowledge with respect to public health issues and health (services) research
  • Nucleus Member of the Working Group on Cellular Biology of the Heart, European Society of Cardiology
  • Editorial Board member of Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, the Netherlands Heart Journal, and the Journal of Geriatric Cardiology
  • Regular reviewer for Stem Cells, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, Stem Cell Reports, Differentiation, Stem Cell Research, European Journal of Heart Failure
  • Reviewer for NWO-ZonMw, Netherlands Heart Foundation, FWO (Flanders Research Foundation), KWF (Netherlands Cancer Foundation), National Research Foundation Luxembourg

 Conflict of interest: none

Fellowship and Awards


  • UMCU Clinical Research Talent Fellowship, 2014-2016
  • Jacob Jongbloed Talent Society grant for multidisciplinary team effort “Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction in Metabolic Syndrome”, 2014
  • Novartis personal grant for participation in the Postgraduate Course in Heart Failure of the European Society of Cardiology, 2014-2015
  • Netherlands Heart Foundation Dekker personal grant “Arts in Opleiding tot Specialist” 2013-2016
  • European Society of Cardiology First Contact Initiative Grant 2013
  • Veni ZonMw grant 2011-2014, a personal grant that is part of the Innovational Research Incentives Scheme of NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research)
  • Keystone Scholarship (Pathological and Physiological Regulation of Cardiac Hypertrophy), 2008
  • ICIN (Interuniversity Cardiology Institute of the Netherlands) Fellowship 2007 for post-doctoral training in the Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease, San Francisco.
  • Netherlands Heart Foundation grant for working visit to the US “Functional integration of transplanted human embryonic stem-cell derived cardiomyocytes”, 2006
  • Van Walree Fund grant, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences; 2004


  • Heineken Young Scientist Award for Medicine, of the KNAW (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences), 2012
  • Young Investigator Award, European Society of Cardiology Congress, Stockholm, 2010
  • Einthoven Dissertatieprijs 2009 (award for the best PhD thesis in Cardiology of 2008)
  • European Society of Cardiology Basic Cardiovascular Science Travel Award, 2008

Research Output (113)

Survival after HeartMate 3 left ventricular assist device implantation:real-world data from Europe

Numan Lieke, Schramm Rene, Oerlemans Marish I F J, van der Kaaij Niels P, Aarts Emmeke, Ramjankhan Faiz Z, Oppelaar Anne-Marie, Morshuis Michiel, Guenther Sabina P W, Zimpfer Daniel, Riebandt Julia, Wiedemann Dominik, Asselbergs Folkert W, Van Laake Linda W Aug 2023, In: ESC heart failure. 10 , p. 2754-2756 3 p.

Pre-Operative SARS-CoV-2 Testing in Asymptomatic Heart Transplantation Recipients

Zwetsloot Peter-Paul, Smit Wouter L, Van der Kaaij Niels P, Szymanski Mariusz K, Van der Meer Manon G, Van Laake Linda W, Troelstra Annet, Wegdam-Blans Marjolijn C A, Oerlemans Marish I F J 26 Jul 2023, In: Biomedicines. 11

Evaluation of Senescence and Its Prevention in Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity Using Dynamic Engineered Heart Tissues

Linders Annet N, Dias Itamar B, Ovchinnikova Ekaterina S, Vermeer Mathilde C S C, Hoes Martijn F, Markousis Mavrogenis George, Deiman Frederik E, Arevalo Gomez Karla F, Bliley Jacqueline M, Nehme Jamil, Vink Aryan, Gietema Jourik, de Boer Rudolf A, Westenbrink Daan, Sillje Herman H W, Hilfiker-Kleiner Denise, van Laake Linda W, Feinberg Adam W, Demaria Marco, Bomer Nils, van der Meer Peter Jun 2023, In: J AM Coll Cardiol CardioOnc. 5 , p. 298-315 18 p.

The circadian clock remains intact, but with dampened hormonal output in heart failure

Crnko Sandra, Printezi Markella I., Zwetsloot Peter Paul M., Leiteris Laurynas, Lumley Andrew I., Zhang Lu, Ernens Isabelle, Jansen Tijn P.J., Homsma Lilian, Feyen Dries, van Faassen Martijn, du Pré Bastiaan C., Gaillard Carlo A.J.M., Kemperman Hans, Oerlemans Marish I.F.J., Doevendans Pieter A.F.M., May Anne M., Zuithoff Nicolaas P.A., Sluijter Joost P.G., Devaux Yvan, van Laake Linda W. May 2023, In: EBioMedicine. 91

Incidence and risk factors of late right heart failure in chronic mechanical circulatory support

Felix Susanne E A, Numan Lieke, Oerlemans Marish I F, Aarts E, Ramjankhan Faiz Z, Gianoli Monica, Asselbergs Folkert W, de Jonge Nicolaas, van Laake Linda W 9 Apr 2023, In: Artificial Organs. 47 , p. 1192-1201 10 p.

Desmosomal protein degradation as an underlying cause of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy

Tsui Hoyee, van Kampen Sebastiaan Johannes, Han Su Ji, Meraviglia Viviana, van Ham Willem B, Casini Simona, van der Kraak Petra, Vink Aryan, Yin Xiaoke, Mayr Manuel, Bossu Alexandre, Marchal Gerard A, Monshouwer-Kloots Jantine, Eding Joep, Versteeg Danielle, de Ruiter Hesther, Bezstarosti Karel, Groeneweg Judith, Klaasen Sjoerd J, van Laake Linda W, Demmers Jeroen A A, Kops Geert J P L, Mummery Christine L, van Veen Toon A B, Remme Carol Ann, Bellin Milena, van Rooij Eva 22 Mar 2023, In: Science translational medicine. 15

PITX2 induction leads to impaired cardiomyocyte function in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy

van Kampen Sebastiaan J, Han Su Ji, van Ham Willem B, Kyriakopoulou Eirini, Stouthart Elizabeth W, Goversen Birgit, Monshouwer-Kloots Jantine, Perini Ilaria, de Ruiter Hesther, van der Kraak Petra, Vink Aryan, van Laake Linda W, Groeneweg Judith A, de Boer Teun P, Tsui Hoyee, Boogerd Cornelis J, van Veen Toon A B, van Rooij Eva 13 Feb 2023, In: Stem Cell Reports. 18 , p. 749-764 16 p.

Left ventricular assist device implantation and clinical outcomes in the Netherlands

Damman Kevin, Caliskan Kadir, Birim Ozcan, Kuijpers Michiel, Otterspoor Luuk C, Yazdanbakhsh Aria, Palmen Meindert, Ramjankhan Faiz Z, Tops Lauren F, van Laake Linda W, 1 Feb 2023, In: Netherlands Heart Journal. 31 , p. 189-195 7 p.

Elevated Plasma Immunoglobulin Levels Prior to Heart Transplantation Are Associated with Poor Post-Transplantation Survival

van den Hoogen Patricia, Huibers Manon M.H., van den Dolder Floor W., de Weger Roel, Siera-de Koning Erica, Oerlemans Marish I.F., de Jonge Nicolaas, van Laake Linda W., Doevendans Pieter A., Sluijter Joost P.G., Vink Aryan, de Jager Saskia C.A. Jan 2023, In: Biology. 12

A circular RNA derived from the insulin receptor locus protects against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity

Lu Dongchao, Chatterjee Shambhabi, Xiao Ke, Riedel Isabelle, Huang Cheng-Kai, Costa Alessia, Cushman Sarah, Neufeldt Dimyana, Rode Laura, Schmidt Arne, Juchem Malte, Leonardy Julia, Büchler Gwen, Blume Jonas, Gern Olivia-Luise, Kalinke Ulrich, Wen Tan Wilson Lek, Foo Roger, Vink Aryan, van Laake Linda W, van der Meer Peter, Bär Christian, Thum Thomas 7 Nov 2022, In: European heart journal. 43 , p. 4496-4511 16 p.

All research output

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