
prof. dr. F.L.J. (Frank) Visseren

prof. dr. F.L.J. (Frank) Visseren

Full Professor

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Research Output (568)

Recurrent venous thromboembolism and bleeding with extended anticoagulation:the VTE-PREDICT risk score

De Winter Maria A., Büller Harry R., Carrier Marc, Cohen Alexander T., Hansen John Bjarne, Kaasjager Karin A.H., Kakkar Ajay K., Middeldorp Saskia, Raskob Gary E., Sørensen Henrik T., Visseren Frank L.J., Wells Philip S., Dorresteijn Jannick A.N., Nijkeuter Mathilde, Braekkan Sigrid K., Burggraaf Louise, Cannegieter Suzanne C., Farjat Alfredo, Pap Akos Ferenc, Goldhaber Samuel, Grosso Michael, Horváth-Puhó Erzsebet, Lensing Anthonie W.A., Pieper Karen, Schulman Sam, Shi Minggao, Virdone Saverio 17 Jan 2023, In: European heart journal. 44 , p. 1231-1244 14 p.

Estimating individual lifetime risk of incident cardiovascular events in adults with Type 2 diabetes:an update and geographical calibration of the DIAbetes Lifetime perspective model (DIAL2)

Østergaard Helena Bleken, Hageman Steven H J, Read Stephanie H, Taylor Owen, Pennells Lisa, Kaptoge Stephen, Petitjean Carmen, Xu Zhe, Shi Fanchao, McEvoy John William, Herrington William, Visseren Frank L J, Wood Angela, Eliasson Björn, Sattar Naveed, Wild Sarah, Di Angelantonio Emanuele, Dorresteijn Jannick A N 1 Jan 2023, In: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 30 , p. 61-69 9 p.

Including measures of chronic kidney disease to improve cardiovascular risk prediction by SCORE2 and SCORE2-OP

Matsushita Kunihiro, Kaptoge Stephen, Hageman Steven H.J., Sang Yingying, Ballew Shoshana H., Grams Morgan E., Surapaneni Aditya, Sun Luanluan, Arnlov Johan, Bozic Milica, Brenner Hermann, Brunskill Nigel J., Chang Alex R., Chinnadurai Rajkumar, Cirillo Massimo, Correa Adolfo, Ebert Natalie, Eckardt Kai Uwe, Gansevoort Ron T., Gutierrez Orlando, Hadaegh Farzad, He Jiang, Hwang Shih Jen, Jafar Tazeen H., Jassal Simerjot K., Kayama Takamasa, Kovesdy Csaba P., Landman Gijs W., Levey Andrew S., Lloyd-Jones Donald M., Major Rupert W., Miura Katsuyuki, Muntner Paul, Nadkarni Girish N., Nowak Christoph, Ohkubo Takayoshi, Pena Michelle J., Polkinghorne Kevan R., Sairenchi Toshimi, Schaeffner Elke, Schneider Markus P., Shalev Varda, Shlipak Michael G., Solbu Marit D., Stempniewicz Nikita, Tollitt James, Valdivielso José M., Van Der Leeuw Joep, Dorresteijn Jannick A.N., Visseren Frank L.J. 1 Jan 2023, In: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 30 , p. 8-16 9 p.

Effect of adipose tissue quantity and dysfunction on the risk of cancer in individuals with and without type 2 diabetes

Helmink Marga A.G., Westerink Jan, Hageman Steven H.J., Koopman Miriam, van der Meer Manon G., Teraa Martin, Ruigrok Ynte M., Visseren Frank L.J. 2023, In: Obesity Research and Clinical Practice. 17 , p. 383-389 7 p.

Composition and distribution of lipoproteins after evolocumab in familial dysbetalipoproteinemia. A randomized controlled trial

Heidemann Britt E., Marais A. David, Mulder Monique T., Visseren Frank L.J., Roeters van Lennep Jeanine E., Stroes Erik S.G., Riksen Niels P., van Vark – van der Zee Leonie C., Blackhurst Dee M., Koopal Charlotte 2023, In: Journal of Clinical Lipidology. 17 , p. 666-676 11 p.

Screening for intracranial aneurysms in persons ⩾35 years with hypertension and atherosclerotic disease who smoke(d)

Mensing Liselore A., van Tuijl Rick J., de Kort Gerard A., van der Schaaf Irene C., Visseren Frank L., Rinkel Gabriel J.E., Velthuis Birgitta K., Ruigrok Ynte M. 2023, In: European Stroke Journal. 8 , p. 1071-1078 8 p.

Personalized lifetime prediction of survival and treatment benefit in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction:The LIFE-HF model

Burger Pascal M., Savarese Gianluigi, Tromp Jasper, Adamson Carly, Jhund Pardeep S., Benson Lina, Hage Camilla, Tay Wan Ting, Solomon Scott D., Packer Milton, Rossello Xavier, McEvoy John W., De Bacquer Dirk, Timmis Adam, Vardas Panos, Graham Ian M., Di Angelantonio Emanuele, Visseren Frank L.J., McMurray John J.V., Lam Carolyn S.P., Lund Lars H., Koudstaal Stefan, Dorresteijn Jannick A.N., Mosterd Arend 2023, In: European Journal of Heart Failure. 25 , p. 1962-1975 14 p.

LDL cholesterol targets rarely achieved in familial hypercholesterolemia patients:A sex and gender-specific analysis

Schreuder M. M., Hamkour S., Siegers K. E., Holven K. B., Johansen A. K., van de Ree M. A., Imholz B., Boersma E., Louters L., Bogsrud M. P., Retterstøl K., Visseren F. L.J., Roeters van Lennep J. E., Koopal C. 2023, In: Atherosclerosis. 384

Development and Validation of a Lifetime Risk Model for Kidney Failure and Treatment Benefit in Type 2 Diabetes:10-Year and Lifetime Risk Prediction Models

Østergaard Helena Bleken, Read Stephanie H, Sattar Naveed, Franzén Stefan, Halbesma Nynke, Dorresteijn Jannick A N, Westerink Jan, Visseren Frank L J, Wild Sarah H, Eliasson Björn, van der Leeuw Joep Dec 2022, In: Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 17 , p. 1783-1791 9 p.

Clinical heterogeneity in monogenic chylomicronaemia

Heidemann Britt E., Bemelmans Remy H.H., Marais A. David, Visseren Frank L.J., Koopal Charlotte 24 Nov 2022, In: BMJ Case Reports. 15 , p. 1-5

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