
prof. dr. F.L.J. (Frank) Visseren

prof. dr. F.L.J. (Frank) Visseren

Full Professor

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Research Output (568)

External applicability of SGLT2 inhibitor cardiovascular outcome trials to patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Smidt Lisanne C.A., Visseren Frank L.J., de Ranitz-Greven Wendela L., Nathoe Hendrik M., Kappelle L. Jaap, de Borst Gert J., de Valk Harold W., Westerink Jan, Dec 2021, In: Cardiovascular Diabetology. 20

Insulin resistance and risk of vascular events, interventions and mortality in type 1 diabetes

Helmink Marga A G, de Vries Marieke, Visseren Frank L J, de Ranitz Wendela L, de Valk Harold W, Westerink Jan 10 Nov 2021, In: European Journal of Endocrinology. 185 , p. 831-840 10 p.

Low-grade inflammation as a risk factor for cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes

Sharif Shahnam, Van der Graaf Y, Cramer M J, Kapelle L J, de Borst G J, Visseren Frank L J, Westerink Jan, 9 Nov 2021, In: Cardiovascular Diabetology. 20 , p. 1-8

European Society of Cardiology Quality Indicators for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention:developed by the Working Group for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Quality Indicators in collaboration with the European Association for Preventive Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology

Aktaa Suleman, Gencer Baris, Arbelo Elena, Davos Constantinos H, Désormais Ileana, Hollander Monika, Abreu Ana, Ambrosetti Marco, Bäck Maria, Carballo David, Crawford Carolyn, Deaton Christi, Dendale Paul, Eijsvogels Thijs M H, Galbraith Mary, Piepoli Massimo Francesco, Salzwedel Annett, Smulders Yvo, Wilhelm Matthias, Biondi-Zoccai Giuseppe, Mach François, Visseren Frank L J, Gale Chris P 23 Oct 2021, In: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 29 , p. 1060-1071 12 p.

2021 ESC Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice: Developed by the Task Force for cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice with representatives of the European Society of Cardiology and 12 medical societies With the special contribution of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC)

Visseren Frank L.J., MacH François, Smulders Yvo M., Carballo David, Koskinas Konstantinos C., Bäck Maria, Benetos Athanase, Biffi Alessandro, Boavida José Manuel, Capodanno Davide, Cosyns Bernard, Crawford Carolyn, Davos Constantinos H., Desormais Ileana, DI Angelantonio Emanuele, Franco Oscar H., Halvorsen Sigrun, Hobbs F. D.Richard, Hollander Monika, Jankowska Ewa A., Michal Matthias, Sacco Simona, Sattar Naveed, Tokgozoglu Lale, Tonstad Serena, Tsioufis Konstantinos P., Van DIs Ineke, Van Gelder Isabelle C., Wanner Christoph, Williams Bryan, De Backer Guy, Regitz-Zagrosek Vera, Aamodt Anne Hege, Abdelhamid Magdy, Aboyans Victor, Albus Christian, Asteggiano Riccardo, Bäck Magnus, Borger Michael A., Brotons Carlos, Ielutkienė Jelena, Cifkova Renata, Cikes Maja, Cosentino Francesco, Dagres Nikolaos, De Backer Tine, Den Ruijter Hester, Kotecha DIpak, Verschuren W. M.Monique, Hollander Monika, 7 Sep 2021, In: European heart journal. 42 , p. 3227-3337 111 p.

Psychosocial factors and cancer incidence (PSY-CA):Protocol for individual participant data meta-analyses

van Tuijl Lonneke A., Voogd Adri C., de Graeff Alexander, Hoogendoorn Adriaan W., Ranchor Adelita V., Pan Kuan Yu, Basten Maartje, Lamers Femke, Geerlings Mirjam I., Abell Jessica G., Awadalla Philip, Bakker Marije F., Beekman Aartjan T.F., Bjerkeset Ottar, Boyd Andy, Cui Yunsong, Galenkamp Henrike, Garssen Bert, Hellingman Sean, Huisman Martijn, Huss Anke, Keats Melanie R., Kok Almar A.L., Luik Annemarie I., Noisel Nolwenn, Onland-Moret N. Charlotte, Payette Yves, Penninx Brenda W.J.H., Portengen Lützen, Rissanen Ina, Roest Annelieke M., Rosmalen Judith G.M., Ruiter Rikje, Schoevers Robert A., Soave David M., Spaan Mandy, Steptoe Andrew, Stronks Karien, Sund Erik R., Sweeney Ellen, Teyhan Alison, Vaartjes Ilonca, van der Willik Kimberly D., van Leeuwen Flora E., van Petersen Rutger, Verschuren W. M.Monique, Visseren Frank, Vermeulen Roel, Dekker Joost 2 Sep 2021, In: Brain and Behavior. 11 , p. 1-13

Evaluation of contemporary treatment of high- and very high-risk patients for the prevention of cardiovascular events in Europe – Methodology and rationale for the multinational observational SANTORINI study

Ray Kausik K., Haq Inaam, Bilitou Aikaterini, Aguiar Carlos, Arca Marcello, Connolly Derek L., Eriksson Mats, Ferrières Jean, Hildebrandt Per, Laufs Ulrich, Mostaza Jose M., Nanchen David, Rietzschel Ernst, Strandberg Timo, Toplak Hermann, Visseren Frank L.J., Catapano Alberico L. Sep 2021, In: Atherosclerosis Plus. 43 , p. 24-30 7 p.

Detection of asymptomatic carotid stenosis in patients with lower-extremity arterial disease:Development and external validations of a risk score

Poorthuis M. H.F., Morris D. R., De Borst G. J., Bots M. L., Greving J. P., Visseren F. L.J., Sherliker P., Clack R., Clarke R., Lewington S., Bulbulia R., Halliday A. 19 Aug 2021, In: British Journal of Surgery. 108 , p. 960-967 8 p.

Communicating personalised statin therapy-effects as 10-year CVD-risk or CVD-free life-expectancy:Does it improve decisional conflict? Three-armed, blinded, randomised controlled trial

Jaspers Nicole E.M., Visseren Frank L.J., Van Der Graaf Yolanda, Smulders Yvo M., Damman Olga C., Brouwers Corline, Rutten Guy E.H.M., Dorresteijn Jannick A.N. 16 Jul 2021, In: BMJ Open. 11 , p. 1-8

The challenge of choosing in cardiovascular risk management

Hoogeveen R. M., Hanssen N. M. J., Brouwer J. R., Mosterd A., Tack C. J., Kroon A. A., de Borst G. J., ten Berg J., van Trier T., van Lennep J. Roeters, Liem A., Serne E., Visseren F. L. J., Cornel J. H., Peters R. J. G., Jukema J. W., Stroes E. S. G. 14 Jul 2021, In: Netherlands Heart Journal. 30 , p. 47-57 11 p.

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