Immune Evasion - Group van Strijp
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Identification of (novel) bacterial proteins and functional characterization of their potential as immune evasion molecule. In the first place these molecules explain why pathogenic bacteria are able to survive and replicate in the human body. Next, they lead researchers directly to key immunological functions. Also they are leads for anti-inflammatory therapy in our Drugs form Bugs program, using structured peptides as mimics. Finally they represent essential virulence factors and therefore prime targets for vaccine strategies and antibody therapy.
Research program uitklapper, klik om te openen
Infection and Immunity
Research interests uitklapper, klik om te openen
Innate immunity
Bacterial infections
Host-pathogen interaction
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Yvonne Hagenaar
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prof. dr. J.A.G. van Strijp Full Professor
Dr. András Spaan
Dr. Beatrix Förster-Schäfer
Dr. Carla de Haas
Dr. Daphne Stapels
Dr. Kirsten Koymans
Dr. Kok van Kessel
Research technicians
Adinda Bisschop
Anneroos Velthuizen
Piet Aerts
PhD students
Leonardo Cecotto
Rita Cruz
Erik Heezius
Yvonne Hagenaar
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Check for availability for bachelor and master level research internships with Kok van kesselor Bart Bardoel
Key publications uitklapper, klik om te openen
- Tromp AT, Van Gent M, Abrial P, Martin A, Jansen JP, De Haas CJC, Van Kessel KPM, Bardoel BW, Kruse E, Bourdonnay E, Boettcher M, McManus MT, Day CJ, Jennings MP, Lina G, Vandenesch F, Van Strijp JAG, Jan Lebbink R, Haas PA, Henry T, Spaan AN. “Human CD45 is an F-component-specific receptor for the staphylococcal toxin Panton-Valentine leukocidin“. Nat Microbiol. 2018 June; 3:708–717 (Pubmed: 29736038) View
- de Jong NWM, Ramyar KX, Guerra FE, Nijland R, Fevre C, Voyich JM, McCarthy AJ, Garcia BL, van Kessel KPM, van Strijp JAG, Geisbrecht BV, Haas PA. “Immune evasion by a staphylococcal inhibitor of myeloperoxidase”. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2017 Aug 14. pii: 201707032 (Pubmed: 28808028) View
- Koymans KJ, Feitsma LJ, Brondijk TH, Aerts PC, Lukkien E, Lössl P, van Kessel KP, de Haas CJ, van Strijp JA, Huizinga EG. “Structural basis for inhibition of TLR2 by staphylococcal superantigen-like protein 3 (SSL3)”. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2015 Sep 1;112(35):11018-23 (Pubmed: 26283364) View
- Vrieling M, Koymans KJ, Heesterbeek DA, Aerts PC, Rutten VP, de Haas CJ, van Kessel KP, Koets AP, Nijland R, van Strijp JA. “Bovine Staphylococcus aureus Secretes the Leukocidin LukMF’ To Kill Migrating Neutrophils through CCR1”. MBio. 2015 Jun 4;6(3):e00335 (Pubmed: 26045537) View
- Surewaard BG, Nijland R, Spaan AN, Kruijtzer JA, de Haas CJ, van Strijp JA. “Inactivation of staphylococcal phenol soluble modulins by serum lipoprotein particles”. PLoS Pathog. 2012;8(3):e1002606. (Pubmed: 22457627) View
PhD theses uitklapper, klik om te openen

Immune recognition of Staphylococcus aureus wall teichoic acid
Rob van Dalen

The art of Phospholipase A2-IIA: New insights into the host-pathogen battle
Vincent P. van Hensbergen

Crouching neutrophils, hidden bacteria
Yuxi Zhao

Targeting Phagocytes: Learning from Staphylococcus aureus
Angelino Tromp