Medical care - Regenerative medicine
Regenerative medicine aims to develop new treatments that take advantage of the body's ability to repair damaged tissue itself. We strive to improve the quality of life with the help of modern treatments for people with illness, body wear, injury or bad genes. We do this by combining science and technology, bringing researchers and doctors together and striving to help our bodies recover themselves.
Mobility clinic uitklapper, klik om te openen
The Mobility Clinic of the UMC Utrecht is the academic center of expertise for people with complex problems with the support and locomotor apparatus. Medical specialists from different departments work together in a multidisciplinary manner. As a result, almost all patients can already count on a clear diagnosis and clear treatment advice after the first visit to the clinic.
Cardiovascular center uitklapper, klik om te openen
The cardiovascular researchers and clinicians from UMC Utrecht have embarked on an ambitious enterprise to realize true multidisciplinary and integrated research and care within the program entitled, “Circulatory Health”. Advancing cardiovascular research for the benefit of patients and the general population requires a multidisciplinary approach, including basic and applied research.
Clinical trails uitklapper, klik om te openen
Patients come first, and the well-known term bench-to-bedside can be also looped in reverse, from bed-to-bench. We engage in translational research to solve unmet patient needs, and we translate unmet medical needs into relevant basic science questions. The outcomes of our pre- clinical and clinical trials exemplify the close symbiotic relationship between our researchers and clinicians, and we actively engage with our patients and patient foundations during the process of scientific discovery.
Collaboration uitklapper, klik om te openen
In our journey to bring novel regenerative treatments to standard clinical care, we actively seek connections with societal organizations such as health foundations and patient organizations. These collaborations help to incorporate societal perspectives in the direction of our work and our working methods. We encourage our investigators to get in touch and welcome initiatives to establish new contacts with these stakeholders.