Research Integrity
Research integrity plays a vital role in allowing scientific research to function properly. The reputation and the reliability of scientific research depend on the individual actions of every researcher.
Guiding principles for research with integrity are honesty, scrupulousness, transparency, independence and responsibility as described in the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity:
- Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (English)
- Nederlandse Gedragscode Wetenschappelijke Integriteit (Dutch)
To promote and maintain a research environment marked by integrity, UMC Utrecht endorses the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and expects that all researchers at the UMC Utrecht work accordingly. The principles in this code are in line with the core values and principles as described in the general code of conduct of UMC Utrecht, which applies to all employees of UMC Utrecht.
- Code of Conduct UMC Utrecht (English)
- Gedragscode UMC Utrecht (Dutch)
More information about behavior, a pleasant and safe workplace, see the This is Us program of UMC Utrecht.
As a practical elaboration of chapters 4 and 5 of the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity we developed the UMC Utrecht Guidance on Research Integrity. Our Guidance on Research Integrity refers to policies, procedures and the appropriate service desks available at UMC Utrecht for our researchers, students, support staff, supervisors and other involved our research. For our UMC Utrecht employees:
- UMC Utrecht Guidance on Research Integrity (English)
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Faculty contact person/Confidential advisors/Committee for Research Integrity:
- Talking to someone about research integrity - Talk in confidence, report or file a complaint - Utrecht University
- Utrecht University Research Integrity Complaints Procedure (English)
- Utrecht University Research Integrity Complaints Procedure (Dutch)