
prof. dr. L.W. (Linda) van Laake

prof. dr. L.W. (Linda) van Laake

Full Professor

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Research Output (113)

Human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes survive and mature in the mouse heart and transiently improve function after myocardial infarction.

van Laake L.W., Passier R., Monshouwer-Kloots J., Verkleij A.J., Lips D.J., Freund C., den Ouden K., Ward-van Oostwaard D., Korving J., Tertoolen L.G.J., van Echteld C.J.A., Doevendans P.A.F.M., Mummery C.L. 2007, In: Stem Cell Research. 1 , p. 9-24 16 p.

MicroRNAs in the human heart: a clue to fetal gene reprogramming in heart failure.

Thum T., Galuppo P., Wolf C., Fiedler J., Kneitz S., van Laake L.W., Doevendans P.A., Mummery C.L., Borlak J., Haverich A., Gross C., Engelhardt S., Ertl G., Bauersachs J. 2007, In: Circulation. 116 , p. 258-267 10 p.

Monitoring of cell therapy and assessment of cardiac function using magnetic resonance imaging in a mouse model of myocardial infarction

van Laake L.W., Passier R., Monshouwer-Kloots J., Nederhoff M.G.J., Ward-van Oostwaard D., Field L.J., van Echteld C.J.A., Doevendans P.A.F.M., Mummery C.L. 2007, In: Nature Protocols. 2 , p. 2551-2567 17 p.

Diversity of microRNAs in human and chimpanzee brain

Berezikov Eugene, Thuemmler Fritz, van Laake Linda W, Kondova Ivanela, Bontrop Ronald, Cuppen Edwin, Plasterk Ronald H A Dec 2006, In: Nature Genetics. 38 , p. 1375-7 3 p.

A role for endothelial progenitor cells and monocytes in the development of hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT)

Post S., Van Laake L. W., Sluijter J. P., Verhaar M. C., Pasterkamp G., Mummery C. L., Goumans M. J., Doevendans P. A., Sluijter Joost P.G. Aug 2006, In: European Heart Journal. 27 , p. 807-807 1 p.

Molecular mechanisms of cardiac disease and regeneration:A focus on stem and progenitor cells

van Laake L, Smits A 2006, In: Netherlands Heart Journal. 14 , p. 195-197 3 p.

Progress and clashes in stem cell therapy research

Mummery C.L., van Laake L.W. 2006, In: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. 150 , p. 943-947 5 p.

Heart repair and stem cells.

van Laake L.W., Hassink R., Doevendans P.A.F.M., Mummery C.L. 2006, In: Journal of Physiology (London). 577.2 , p. 467-478 12 p.

Many novel mammalian microRNA candidates identified by extensive cloning and RAKE analysis.

Berezikov E., van Tetering G.J., Verheul M., van de Belt J., van Laake L.W., Vos J., Verloop R., van de Wetering M., Guryev V., Takada S., van Zonneveld A.J., Mano H., Plasterk R., Cuppen E. 2006, In: Genome Research. 16 , p. 1289-1298 10 p.

Endoglin has a crucial role in blood cell-mediated vascular repair.

van Laake L.W., van den Driesche S., Post S., Feijen A., Jansen M.A., Driessens M.H., Mager J.J., Snijder R.J., Westermann C.J., Doevendans P.A.F.M., van Echteld C.J.A., ten Dijke P., Arthur H.M., Goumans M.J., Lebrin F., Mummery C.L. 2006, In: Circulation. 114 , p. 2288-2297 10 p.

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