
prof. dr. L.W. (Linda) van Laake

prof. dr. L.W. (Linda) van Laake

Full Professor

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Research Output (113)

Suppression of T cells by mesenchymal and cardiac progenitor cells is partly mediated via extracellular vesicles

van den Akker F., Vrijsen K. R., Deddens J. C., Buikema J. W., Mokry M., van Laake L. W., Doevendans P. A., Sluijter J. P.G. 1 Jun 2018, In: Heliyon. 4

Increasing exercise capacity in the first year after implantation of a cf- left ventricular assist device

Felix S. E. A., Oerlemans M. I. F., Van Laake L. W., Ramjankhan F. Z., Buijsrogge M. P., Kirkels J. H., Asselbergs F. W., De Jonge N. May 2018, In: European Journal of Heart Failure. 20 , p. 259-259

Extracellular vesicles in diagnostics and therapy of the ischaemic heart:Position Paper from the Working Group on Cellular Biology of the Heart of the European Society of Cardiology

Sluijter Joost Petrus Gerardus, Davidson Sean Michael, Boulanger Chantal M., Buzás Edit Iren, De Kleijn Dominique Paschalis Victor, Engel Felix Benedikt, Giricz Zoltán, Hausenloy Derek J., Kishore Raj, Lecour Sandrine, Leor Jonathan, Madonna Rosalinda, Perrino Cinzia, Prunier Fabrice, Sahoo Susmita, Schiffelers Ray Michel, Schulz Rainer, Van Laake Linda Wilhelmina, Ytrehus Kirsti, Ferdinandy Peter 1 Jan 2018, In: Cardiovascular Research. 114 , p. 19-34 16 p.

Circadian clocks:from stem cells to tissue homeostasis and regeneration

Dierickx Pieterjan, Van Laake Linda W, Geijsen Niels Jan 2018, In: EMBO Reports. 19 , p. 18-28 11 p.

The circadian clock in cardiovascular regulation and disease:Lessons from the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2017

Van Laake Linda W, Lüscher Thomas Felix, Young Martin E 22 Dec 2017, In: European Heart Journal. 39 , p. 2326-2329 4 p.

New Dimensions in Circadian Clock Function:The Role of Biological Sex

Crnko Sandra, Ernens Isabelle, van Laake Linda W 11 Dec 2017, In: Cardiovascular Research. 114 , p. 203-204 2 p.

Neonatal rat cardiomyocytes as an in vitro model for circadian rhythms in the heart

du Pré Bastiaan C., Dierickx Pieterjan, Crnko Sandra, Doevendans Pieter A., Vos Marc A., Geijsen Niels, Neutel Didi, van Veen Toon A.B., van Laake Linda W. 1 Nov 2017, In: Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 112 , p. 58-63 6 p.

The autonomic nervous system as a therapeutic target in heart failure:a scientific position statement from the Translational Research Committee of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology

van Bilsen Marc, Patel Hitesh C, Bauersachs Johann, Böhm Michael, Borggrefe Martin, Brutsaert Dirk, Coats Andrew J S, de Boer Rudolf A., de Keulenaer Gilles W, Filippatos Gerasimos S, Floras John S., Grassi Guido, Jankowska Ewa A, Kornet Lilian, Lunde Ida G, Maack Christoph, Mahfoud Felix, Pollesello Piero, Ponikowski Piotr, Ruschitzka Frank, Sabbah Hani N, Schultz Harold D, Seferovic Petar, Slart Riemer H. J. A., Taggart Peter, Tocchetti Carlo G, Van Laake Linda W, Zannad Faiez, Heymans Stephane, Lyon Alexander R Nov 2017, In: European Journal of Heart Failure. 19 , p. 1361-1378 18 p.

SCA1<sup>+</sup> Cells from the Heart Possess a Molecular Circadian Clock and Display Circadian Oscillations in Cellular Functions

Du Pré Bastiaan C., Demkes Evelyne J., Feyen Dries A.M., Dierickx Pieterjan, Crnko Sandra, Kok Bart G. J. M., Sluijter Joost P.G., Doevendans Pieter A., Vos Marc A., Van Veen Toon A.B., Van Laake Linda W. 12 Sep 2017, In: Stem Cell Reports [E]. 9 , p. 762-769 8 p.

Melatonin as a cardioprotective therapy following ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction:is it really promising? Reply

Hausenloy Derek J., Garcia-Dorado David, Erik Bøtker Hans, Davidson Sean M., Downey James, Engel Felix B., Jennings Robert, Lecour Sandrine, Leor Jonathan, Madonna Rosalinda, Ovize Michel, Perrino Cinzia, Prunier Fabrice, Schulz Rainer, Sluijter Joost P.G., Van Laake Linda W., Vinten-Johansen Jakob, Yellon Derek M., Ytrehus Kirsti, Heusch Gerd, Ferdinandy Péter 1 Sep 2017, In: Cardiovascular Research. 113 , p. 1418-1419 2 p.

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