
prof. dr. F.L.J. (Frank) Visseren

prof. dr. F.L.J. (Frank) Visseren

Full Professor

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Research Output (568)

The relation between body fat distribution, plasma concentrations of adipokines and the metabolic syndrome in patients with clinically manifest vascular disease

Schrover Ilse M., van der Graaf Yolanda, Spiering Wilko, Visseren Frank L.J., 1 Sep 2018, In: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 25 , p. 1548-1557 10 p.

Routinely measured hematological parameters and prediction of recurrent vascular events in patients with clinically manifest vascular disease

Kofink Daniel, Muller Steven A., Patel Riyaz S., Dorresteijn Jannick A.N., Berkelmans Gijs F.N., De Groot Mark C.H., Van Solinge Wouter W., Haitjema Saskia, Leiner Tim, Visseren Frank L.J., Hoefer Imo E., Asselbergs Folkert W., 1 Sep 2018, In: PLoS ONE [E]. 13

Combined use of polypill components in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Janssen Vivi E., Visseren Frank L., de Boer Anthonius, Grobbee Diederick E., Westerink Jan, van der Graaf Yolanda, Lafeber Melvin, 1 Sep 2018, In: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 25 , p. 1523-1531 9 p.

Four ECG left ventricular hypertrophy criteria and the risk of cardiovascular events and mortality in patients with vascular disease

Van Kleef Monique E.A.M., Visseren Frank L.J., Vernooij Joris W.P., Nathoe Hendrik M., Cramer Maarten Jan M., Bemelmans Remy H.H., Van Der Graaf Yolanda, Spiering Wilko Sep 2018, In: Journal of Hypertension. 36 , p. 1865-1873 9 p.

Estimated life expectancy without recurrent cardiovascular events in patients with vascular disease:The SMART-REACH model

Kaasenbrood Lotte, Bhatt Deepak L., Dorresteijn Jannick A.N., Wilson Peter W.F., D’Agostino Ralph B., Massaro Joseph M., van der Graaf Yolanda, Cramer Maarten J.M., Kappelle L. Jaap, de Borst Gert J., Steg Ph Gabriel, Visseren Frank L.J. 1 Aug 2018, In: Journal of the American Heart Association. 7

Prevalence of potential modifiable factors of hypertension in patients with difficult-to-control hypertension

Van Der Sande Nicolette G.C., Blankestijn Peter J., Visseren Frank L.J., Beeftink Martine M., Voskuil Michiel, Westerink Jan, Bots Michiel L., Spiering Wilko 1 Aug 2018, In: Journal of Hypertension. 37 , p. 398-405 8 p.

Achieved LDL cholesterol levels in patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia:A model that explores the efficacy of conventional and novel lipid-lowering therapy

Hartgers Merel L., Besseling Joost, Stroes Erik S., Wittekoek Janneke, Rutten Joost H.W., de Graaf Jacqueline, Visseren Frank L.J., Imholz Ben P.M., Roeters van Lennep Jeanine E., Huijgen Roeland, Kastelein John J.P., Hovingh G. Kees 1 Jul 2018, In: Journal of Clinical Lipidology. 12 , p. 972-980.e1

Predicting timing of clinical outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease and severely decreased glomerular filtration rate

Grams Morgan E., Sang Yingying, Ballew Shoshana H., Carrero Juan Jesus, Djurdjev Ognjenka, Heerspink Hiddo J.L., Ho Kevin, Ito Sadayoshi, Marks Angharad, Naimark David, Nash Danielle M., Navaneethan Sankar D., Sarnak Mark, Stengel Benedicte, Visseren Frank L.J., Wang Angela Yee Moon, Köttgen Anna, Levey Andrew S., Woodward Mark, Eckardt Kai Uwe, Hemmelgarn Brenda, Coresh Josef 1 Jun 2018, In: Kidney International. 93 , p. 1442-1451 10 p.

Predicting the effect of fenofibrate on cardiovascular risk for individual patients with type 2 diabetes

Koopal Charlotte, Visseren Frank L.J., Westerink Jan, Van Der Graaf Yolanda, Ginsberg Henry N., Keech Anthony C. 1 Jun 2018, In: Diabetes Care. 41 , p. 1244-1250 7 p.

The prevalence of pseudoxanthoma elasticum:Revised estimations based on genotyping in a high vascular risk cohort

Kranenburg Guido, Baas Annette F., de Jong Pim A., Asselbergs Folkert W., Visseren Frank L.J., Spiering Wilko, 22 May 2018, In: European Journal of Medical Genetics. 62 , p. 90-92 3 p.

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