
prof. dr. F.L.J. (Frank) Visseren

prof. dr. F.L.J. (Frank) Visseren

Full Professor

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Research Output (568)

Variation in minimum desired cardiovascular disease-free longevity benefit from statin and antihypertensive medications:A cross-sectional study of patient and primary care physician perspectives

Jaspers Nicole E.M., Visseren Frank L.J., Numans Mattijs E., Smulders Yvo M., Van Loenen Martinet Fere A., Van Der Graaf Yolanda, Dorresteijn Jannick A.N. 1 May 2018, In: BMJ Open. 8

The effect of switching protease inhibitors to raltegravir on endothelial function, in HIV-infected patients

Krikke Maaike, Tesselaar Kiki, van den Berk Guido E.L., Otto Sigrid A., Freriks Laura H., van Lelyveld Steven F.L., Visseren Frank J.L., Hoepelman Andy I.M., Arends Joop E. Apr 2018, In: HIV Clinical Trials. 19 , p. 75-83 9 p.

Etidronate for Prevention of Ectopic Mineralization in Patients With Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum

Kranenburg Guido, de Jong Pim A., Bartstra Jonas W., Lagerweij Suzanne J., Lam Marnix G., Ossewaarde-van Norel Jeannette, Risseeuw Sara, van Leeuwen Redmer, Imhof Saskia M., Verhaar Harald J., de Vries Job J., Slart Riemer H.J.A., Luurtsema Gert, den Harder Annemarie M., Visseren Frank L.J., Mali Willem P., Spiering Wilko 13 Mar 2018, In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 71 , p. 1117-1126 10 p.

Arterial stiffening and thickening in patients with pseudoxanthoma elasticum

Kranenburg Guido, Visseren Frank L.J., de Borst Gert Jan, de Jong Pim A., Spiering Wilko, 1 Mar 2018, In: Atherosclerosis. 270 , p. 160-165 6 p.

Prevalence of subclinical coronary artery disease assessed by coronary computed tomography angiography in 45- to 55-year- old women with a history of preeclampsia

Zoet Gerbrand A., Benschop Laura, Boersma Eric, Budde Ricardo P.J., Fauser Bart C.J.M., Van Der Graaf Yolanda, De Groot Christianne J.M., Maas Angela H.E.M., Roeters Van Lennep Jeanine E., Steegers Eric A.P., Visseren Frank L., Van Rijn Bas B., Velthuis Birgitta K., Franx Arie, Appelman Yolande E., Baart Sara J., Brouwers Laura, Cannegieter Suzanne C., Dam Veerle, Eijkemans M. C.J., Ferrari Michel D., Gunning Marlise N., Hoek Annemieke, Koffijberg Erik, Koster M. P.H., Kruit Mark, Lagerwij Giske R., Lambalk C. B., Laven Joop S., Linstra Katie, Van Der Lugt Aad, Van Den Brink Antoinette Maassen, Meun Cindy, Middeldorp Saskia, Moons Karel G.M., Roos-Hesselink Jolien W., Scheres Luuk J.J., Steegers-Theunissen Regine P.M., Terwindt Gisela M., Wermer Marieke J.H., 20 Feb 2018, In: Circulation. 137 , p. 877-879 3 p.

Cost-effectiveness of PCSK9 inhibition in addition to standard lipid-lowering therapy in patients at high risk for vascular disease

Stam-Slob Manon C., van der Graaf Yolanda, de Boer Anthonius, Greving Jacoba P., Visseren Frank L.J. 15 Feb 2018, In: International Journal of Cardiology. 253 , p. 148-154 7 p.

Random measurement error:Why worry? An example of cardiovascular risk factors

Brakenhoff Timo B., Van Smeden Maarten, Visseren Frank L.J., Groenwold Rolf H.H. 1 Feb 2018, In: PLoS ONE. 13

Decline in risk of recurrent cardiovascular events in the period 1996 to 2014 partly explained by better treatment of risk factors and less subclinical atherosclerosis

Berkelmans Gijs F N, van der Graaf Yolanda, Dorresteijn Jannick A.N., de Borst Gert Jan, Cramer Maarten J., Kappelle L. Jaap, Westerink Jan, Visseren Frank L.J., 15 Jan 2018, In: International Journal of Cardiology. 251 , p. 96-102 7 p.

Chronic kidney disease and bleeding risk in patients at high cardiovascular risk:a cohort study

Ocak G., Rookmaaker M. B., Algra A., de Borst G. J., Doevendans P. A., Kappelle L. J., Verhaar M. C., Visseren F. L., van der Graaf Y., Grobbee D. E., Rutten G. E.H.M., Leiner T., Nathoe H. M., 1 Jan 2018, In: Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 16 , p. 65-73 9 p.

Apparent resistant hypertension and the risk of vascular events and mortality in patients with manifest vascular disease

van der Sande Nicolette G C, de Beus Esther, Bots Michiel L, Voskuil Michiel, Blankestijn Peter J, Visseren Frank, Spiering Wilko, 1 Jan 2018, In: Journal of Hypertension. 36 , p. 143–150 8 p.

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