
prof. dr. F.L.J. (Frank) Visseren

prof. dr. F.L.J. (Frank) Visseren

Full Professor

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Research Output (568)

Thyroid-stimulating hormone levels in the normal range and incident type 2 diabetes mellitus

de Vries T. I., Kappelle L. J., van der Graaf Y., de Valk H. W., de Borst G. J., Nathoe H. M., Visseren F. L.J., Westerink Jan, 1 Jan 2018, In: Acta Diabetologica. 56 , p. 431-440 10 p.

Limited benefit of haemoglobin glycation index as risk factor for cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes patients

Østergaard H. B., Mandrup-Poulsen T., Berkelmans G. F.N., van der Graaf Y., Visseren F. L.J., Westerink J., 1 Jan 2018, In: Diabetes and Metabolism. 45 , p. 254-260 7 p.

Relationship of Estimated GFR and Albuminuria to Concurrent Laboratory Abnormalities:An Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis in a Global Consortium

Inker Lesley A., Grams Morgan E., Levey Andrew S., Coresh Josef, Cirillo Massimo, Collins John F., Gansevoort Ron T., Gutierrez Orlando M., Hamano Takayuki, Heine Gunnar, Ishikawa Shizukiyo, Jee Sun Ha, Kronenberg Florian, Landray Martin, Miura Katsuyuki, Nadkarni Girish N., Peralta Carmen, Rothenbacher Dietrich, Schaeffner Elke, Sedaghat Sanaz, Shlipak Michael G., Zhang Luxia, van Zuilen Arjan D., Hallan Stein I., Kovesdy Csaba P., Woodward Mark, Levin Adeera, Astor Brad, Appel Larry, Greene Tom, Chen Teresa, Chalmers John, Woodward Mark, Arima Hisatomi, Perkovic Vlado, Yatsuya Hiroshi, Tamakoshi Koji, Li Yuanying, Hirakawa Yoshihisa, Coresh Josef, Matsushita Kunihiro, Grams Morgan E., Sang Yingying, Polkinghorne Kevan, Chadban Steven, Atkins Robert, Levin Adeera, Blankestijn Peter J., van Zuilen Arjan D., Visseren Frank L.J., 1 Jan 2018, In: American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 73 , p. 206-217 12 p.

Inflammatie als risicofactor voor hart-en vaatziekten

Visseren Frank L.J., Van't Klooster Cilie C. 1 Jan 2018, In: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. 162

Incidence of cardiovascular events and vascular interventions in patients with type 2 diabetes

Engelen Suzanne E, van der Graaf Yolanda, Stam-Slob Manon C, Grobbee Diederick E, Cramer Maarten J, Kappelle L Jaap, de Borst Gert J, Visseren Frank L J, Westerink Jan, 1 Dec 2017, In: International Journal of Cardiology. 248 , p. 301-307 7 p.

Relation between adiposity and vascular events, malignancy and mortality in patients with stable cerebrovascular disease

Jaspers N. E.M., Dorresteijn J. A.N., Van Der Graaf Y., Westerink J., Kappelle L. J., Nathoe H. M., Algra A., Visseren F. L.J. 1 Dec 2017, In: International Journal of Obesity. 41 , p. 1775-1781 7 p.

Cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in patients with intermittent claudication and critical limb ischaemia

van Haelst S T W, Koopman C, den Ruijter H M, Moll F L, Visseren F L, Vaartjes I, de Borst G J 8 Nov 2017, In: British Journal of Surgery. 105 , p. 252-261 10 p.

Hart- en vaatziekten in Nederland 2017

Bots Michael L, Buddeke J, Vaartjes CH, Visseren FLJ, van Dis Ineke Nov 2017, 232 p.

Ziekte en sterfte aan hart- en vaatziekten

Bots Michael L, Buddeke J, Vaartjes CH, van Dis Ineke, Visseren FLJ Nov 2017, p. 7-38 31 p.


Bots Michael L, Buddeke J, van Dis Ineke, Visseren FLJ, Vaartjes CH Nov 2017, p. 39-53 54 p.

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