Submitting a complaint
Our staff do their utmost to provide optimum healthcare. Nevertheless, you might find yourself dissatisfied. In such cases, it is important for you to express this dissatisfaction as soon as possible to enable us to look for a solution.

How do I submit a complaint? uitklapper, klik om te openen
Not satisfied? Then we would prefer it if you could discuss your concern directly with the relevant healthcare provider. If this is unsuccessful or if you prefer to have a neutral intermediary support you in the process, you can contact the complaints mediators.
Help with a complaint
The complaints mediators mediate in patient complaints about the hospital on behalf of the executive board. They will also be able to tell you how the procedure goes if you wish to submit your complaint to the UMC Utrecht’s complaints committee or if you want to hold the hospital liable.
Further information on complaints handling can be found in the Complaints leaflet. This leaflet can be found:
- on the ward
- at the central information desk
- at the complaints mediation team in the UMC Utrecht’s central reception lobby
Contact details uitklapper, klik om te openen
UMC Utrecht, complaints mediation
Huispost Q05.4.302
Antwoordnummer 8419
Postbus 85500