Teaching qualifications for teachers
Education is one of the three pillars of the UMC Utrecht. Everyone who teaches or trains in practice should be trained and qualified for their teaching/training tasks. That is why the UMC Utrecht has various Teaching Qualifications and why we, as the Faculty of Medicine, follow the policy of Utrecht University. How we do this can be read in the UMC Utrecht Faculty Policy on Educational Qualifications.
Within the UMC Utrecht we currently have four educational qualifications:
- University Teaching Qualification (BKO)
- Partial Teaching Qualification (UvO)
- Clinical Education Qualification (KKO)
- Senior Teaching Qualification/Advanced University Teaching Qualification (SKO)
For whom which educational qualification is mandatory or relevant can be seen in this decision tree.
Intake uitklapper, klik om te openen
The start of the process towards an educational qualification starts with an individual intake interview with an educational advisor Teacher professionalization of the Education Centre. Based on your position and experience, this will look at which qualification is relevant and feasible and according to which route you can obtain it. The global trajectory is shown in this diagram.
For all qualifications, you must demonstrate a combination of relevant teaching experience and didactic training. You reflect on your development in a personal portfolio.
University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) uitklapper, klik om te openen
What and for whom is a UTQ (BKO)?
A UTQ qualification is a teaching qualification for all lecturers at Utrecht University. The UTQ is mandatory for all employees employed by UMC Utrecht (for a period of at least 2 years) with a structural, broad teaching task in university education of at least 0.2 FTE on an annual basis. A UTQ is also mandatory for all professors, all associate professors and all course coordinators (regardless of the size of their teaching task).
A broad educational task is understood to mean that you have tasks in the development of education as well as in the implementation in different forms and to different groups and in the testing and assessment of students. This variation is also expected if the size of the teaching task at associate professors or HLs is small.
The UTQ-qualified lecturer has recognized skills in the implementation of education to students, is structurally and responsibly involved in education, can design education and can supervise, instruct, test and assess students individually and in groups.
Requirements and teaching experience guidelines UTQ
To be able to obtain a full UTQ qualification, you must meet all the attainment targets set by the UU for the UTQ. This requires varied teaching experience with both design and implementation as well as testing and assessment. Didactic training is also required and you are expected to show student evaluations, educational observations of your teaching, your educational observations of fellow lecturers and examples of teaching and testing materials developed by you.
As a result of the evaluation, the educational experience requirements have largely been replaced by guidelines as of 1 June 2024.
What remains unchanged in the requirements for the UTQ?
- The (re)design of education (this includes developing, implementing and evaluating this education).
- Varied teaching experience consisting of:
- Group teaching, experience with at least two teaching tasks/forms.
- Individual guidance of learners.
- Develop assessment and evaluate assessment.
What has changed in the requirements for the UTQ?
- Varied teaching experience: there are now guidelines instead of requirements for this
- Review
- The self-developed assessment or testing instrument does not necessarily have to be implemented and evaluated.
- The evaluation of an assessment or testing instrument does not necessarily have to be linked to the (re)developed instrument itself.
- Professional development: adding a short video (max. 5 minutes) about professional development during the UTQ trajectory. This gives the reviewers a better picture than just the written portfolio.
- The attachments
- There are no specific numbers for feedback and evaluations.
- For self-developed educational materials, it is desirable to add one example.
What are the UTQ teaching experience guidelines?
- Varied teaching experience, experience with at least two teaching tasks/forms.
- Guidelines have been drawn up for the numbers (lectures, tutorial education, etc.).
- Individual guidance of learners.
- What used to be a requirement has now become a directive.
Additional information:
- Educational Experience Guidelines Schedule
- kennisclip (only in Dutch)
New UTQ portfolio model 2024
As of June 2024, a new UTQ portfolio model will be put into operation. Candidates who use the '2022_BKO portfolio model v2' have the choice to continue using it or switch to the new UTQ portfolio model of 2024. The new model is more in line with the UTQ competencies and is more helpful in the reflections through targeted questions. The English version of the UTQ portfolio format 2024
The intention is that one's own professional development is shared with a group within the UTQ course or within one's own department (in the case of a self-composed training package) and a video recording is made of this. Click on the link for the step-by-step guide for uploading a video via Stream.
Didactic training UTQ
To meet the requirement of didactic training, two routes are possible: the UTQ course or a self-composed training package; these are all in Dutch only. During the intake, the educational advisor will discuss other options in English.
To collect evaluations from students, you can use various options: such as the usual educational evaluations and feedback and education observation forms (see end of page).
You must describe your teaching experience in the Teaching CV. In doing so, you mention content, form and target group. The portfolio model includes a set-up for this.
Obtaining the UTQ
First, schedule an intake interview to see if a UTQ is mandatory or feasible for you!
To demonstrate that you meet the requirements of the UTQ, you put together a portfolio. The English version of the UTQ portfolio format 2024: link will be uploaded soon
If you think you meet all the requirements and have put together your portfolio:
- Apply for the assessment process (check the required deadlines for submitting the concept and final portfolio)
- You submit the entire draft portfolio digitally as two PDF files (one PDF file with the portfolio and one PDF file with the attachments) to docentprofessionalisering@umcutrecht.nl. You will then receive substantive feedback from one of the educational advisors via e-mail
- After processing the feedback received, you submit the final version of the portfolio. Once everything is complete, you can go for the appraisal interview. This interview will be conducted with two experienced lecturers from the Council of Assessors and will be supervised by an educational advisor
- if you also show in the interview that you meet the requirements, you will receive the UU certificate for the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) on behalf of the Faculty of Medicine
Partial Teaching Qualification uitklapper, klik om te openen
What and for whom is the Partial Teaching Qualification (UvO)?
The Partial Teaching Qualification is an intermediate step on the way to a full UTQ.
Teaching is understood to mean: giving (work) lectures, supervising tutorials, skills education and practical and supervising individual students during (clinical) internships or as a tutor/mentor. A structural (but limited) task means that several of these educational tasks are carried out, but that the design and assessment/assessment of education are not part of the range of tasks. (Those who perform only one teaching task are expected to train for that teaching task, but do not have to obtain a teaching qualification.)
A teacher who has obtained this partial qualification has recognized skills in the implementation of education and is able to encourage students to learn both individually and in groups.
Requirements and teaching experience guidelines for the Partial Teaching Qualification
In order to obtain a Partial Teaching Qualification, you must meet the attainment targets of the competence area 'Implementation of education' from the UTQ attainment targets drawn up by the UU. This requires experience in teaching and supervising students. You must also have completed relevant didactic training. Finally, you are expected to show student evaluations, educational observations of your teaching, your teaching observations from fellow lecturers and examples of teaching materials you have developed.
As a result of the evaluation, the educational experience requirements have largely been replaced by guidelines as of 1 June 2024.
What will remain unchanged in the requirements for the Partial Teaching Qualification?
- Varied teaching experience consisting of:
- Group teaching, experience with at least two teaching tasks/forms.
- Individual guidance of learners.
What has changed in the requirements for the Partial Teaching Qualification?
- Varied teaching experience: there are now guidelines instead of requirements for this
- The attachments:
- There are no specific numbers for feedback and evaluations.
- For self-developed educational materials, it is desirable to add one example.
What are the teaching experience guidelines for the Partial Teaching Qualification?
- Varied teaching experience, experience with at least two teaching tasks/forms.
- Guidelines have been drawn up for the numbers (lectures, tutorial education, etc.).
- Individual guidance of learners.
- What used to be a requirement has now become a directive
Additional information:
- Educational Experience Guidelines Schedule
- kennisclip (only in Dutch)
New portfolio model 2024
As of June 2024, a new portfolio model will be put into use. Candidates who use the '2022_Deelkwalificatie UvO portfolio model' have the choice of continuing to use it or switching to the new UvO portfolio model of 2024. The new model is more in line with the UvO competencies and is more helpful in the reflections through targeted questions.
Didactic training
To meet the requirement of didactic training, two routes are possible: the UvO course or a self-composed training package. During the intake, the educational advisor will discuss the options in English.
To collect evaluations from students, you can use various options: such as the usual educational evaluations and feedback and education observation forms (see end of page).
You must describe your teaching experience in the Teaching CV. In doing so, you mention content, form and target group. The portfolio model includes a set-up for this.
Obtaining the Partial Teaching Qualification
Schedule an intake interview first to see if a Partial Qualification Teaching is feasible for you!
To demonstrate that you meet the requirements for the Partial Teaching Qualification, you must compile a portfolio . A portfolio format is available for this purpose; this is part of the portfolio for the entire UTQ.
If you think you meet all the requirements and have put together your portfolio:
- Sign up for the assessment process.
- You submit the entire draft portfolio digitally as two PDF files (one PDF file with the portfolio and one PDF file with the attachments) to docentprofessionalisering@umcutrecht.nl. You will then receive substantive feedback from one of the educational advisors via e-mail
- After processing the feedback received, you submit the final version of the portfolio.
- This is followed by the written assessment of the final version of your portfolio. This is done by an experienced teacher and assessor from the Board of Assessors
- If you convincingly demonstrate that you meet the attainment targets, you will receive the UU certificate on behalf of the Faculty of Medicine for the module qualification teaching.
Further development to the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ)
After obtaining Module Qualification Teaching, you can develop to the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ). This requires additional didactic training and experience in the design of education and testing. With this didactic knowledge, insights and experiences gained, you will write the UTQ portfolio. This should be done within the next UTQ portfolio model. In the assessment of the Module Qualification Teaching, the competency of Implementing Education has already been sufficiently assessed. Questions can be asked about this competency during the UTQ assessment interview, because there is also a connection with it with the other competency areas. You copy this part of the UvO portfolio to the part in the UTQ portfolio. You can supplement this part of the UTQ portfolio with new knowledge, experiences and insights.
Your professional development as a lecturer did not stop after obtaining your module qualifaction teaching, which is why we ask you to reflect on this again in the UTQ portfolio.
After submission of the draft portfolio, the UTQ regular feedback and assessment process follows (with the associated costs).
Clinical Education Qualification (KKO) uitklapper, klik om te openen
What and for whom is an Clinical Education Qualificaton?
A Clinical Education Qualification (KKO) has been specially developed by UMC Utrecht for healthcare professionals who are involved in and have an affinity with training in the clinical work setting. These healthcare professionals perform all kinds of training tasks in the workplace and want to develop themselves further. They act as role models, coaches, supervisors, facilitators, assessors and bed-side teachers in a variety of settings. Work-based learning is central to this qualification. Within UMC Utrecht, the Clinical Education Qualification is equivalent to the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) for these employees, but not the same as the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ).
The Clinical Education Qualification qualified clinical lecturer has recognized skills in the implementation of clinical education (on-the-job training, supervising students and assistants and training in a team), can design training situations in the clinic and can provide and assess feedback to students and assistants at the clinical workplace.
Requirements and teaching experience guidelines Clinical Education Qualification
In order to obtain the Clinical Education Qualification, you must, in principle, have a permanent contract with UMC Utrecht, meet all attainment targets drawn up by UMC Utrecht for the Clinical Education Qualification. This requires, among other things, experience in designing clinical education/training situations, conducting clinical education, giving feedback and assessing in the clinical work setting. Didactic training (focused on the clinical work setting) is also required and you are expected to add the following to your portfolio: student evaluations, observations of your clinical education, your observations with clinical fellow lecturers and examples of clinical training and assessment materials developed by you.
Obtaining the Clinical Education Qualification
Schedule an intake interview first to see if a Clinical Education Qualification is suitable or feasible for you!
To demonstrate that you meet the requirements for the Clinical Education Qualification, you put together a portfolio. A portfolio model is available for this purpose, which will be handed out during the course.
To meet the requirement of didactic training, one route is possible for the time being: the Clinical Education Qualification course. In time, this will also be possible by putting together your own training package.
If you think you meet all the requirements and have put together your portfolio:
- Apply for the assessment process (check the required deadlines for submitting the concept and final portfolio)
- You submit the entire draft portfolio digitally as two PDF files (one PDF file with the portfolio and one PDF file with the attachments) to docentprofessionalisering@umcutrecht.nl. You will then receive substantive feedback from one of the educational advisors via e-mail
- After processing the feedback received, you submit the final version of the portfolio. Once everything is complete, you can go for the appraisal interview. This interview will be conducted with two experienced lecturers from the Council of Assessors and will be supervised by an educational advisor
- if you also show in the interview that you meet the requirements, you will receive the UU certificate for the Clinical Education Qualification on behalf of the Faculty of Medicine
Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO) uitklapper, klik om te openen
What and for whom is an Senior Teaching Qualification?
The STQ qualification builds on the UTQ and is mandatory for all employees with an appointment as an associate professor of education or as an education professor. In addition, this qualification is mandatory for employees (1) permanently employed by the UMCU and (2) appointed as associate professors/scale 13 or higher and (3) who fulfil a structural task in university education of at least 0.2 FTE on an annual basis and (4) have a formal managerial or coordinating role in this. (Only if all four conditions are met does the obligation apply!)
For example, a coordinating/managerial role includes program coordinators, coordinators of a study unit, members of a curriculum, course and/or line committee or members of a Program Council or Examination Board.
In addition to the skills associated with the basic qualification, the STQ-qualified teacher has recognized skills in the development and coordination of education and also has demonstrable educational expertise. For example, it can coordinate educational activities at a cross-course level, act as an examiner and direct, train, supervise and supervise teachers.
Requirements and teaching experience guidelines for the Senior Teaching Qualification
To be able to obtain an STQ, you must meet all the attainment targets that have been drawn up by the UU for the STQ. This requires experience with innovative design of education and assessment, as well as the implementation of education, testing and assessment based on an up-to-date knowledge of education. In addition, a substantiated vision of (a specific aspect of) university education and contributions at a cross-course level are expected. Didactic training is also required and, in addition to your UTQ, you are expected to show student evaluations, educational observations of your teaching, your educational observations of fellow lecturers and examples of teaching and testing materials developed by you. Teaching experience requirements STQ.
To demonstrate that you meet the requirements for the SKO, you put together a portfolio. A portfolio model is available for this purpose.
Starting with the STQ process
At the moment it is not possible to schedule an STQ intake interview.
Utrecht University offers a kick-off meeting in which you can be inspired by others.
Registration and registration is done via the UU: kick-off meeting of the UU.
Also read the Tips and tricks for writing your STQ.
Didactic training SKO
To meet the requirement of didactic training, you put together a composite training package yourself . You can choose from training courses organized by UMC Utrecht, the range of Utrecht University (UU), the Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning (CAT) or offers elsewhere.
Advice on teacher professionalization training courses UMC Utrecht: only in Dutch
- Supervising individual students
- Assessment for examiners
- Bias and education: what do the two have to do with each other?
- Video coaching
- Coaching on the job
Educational Advice & Training UU Offerings:
- From UTQ to SKO (kick-off meeting)
- SKO portfolio trajectory (feedback meetings)
Aanbod Centre for Teaching and Learning:
- Collaborative Online International Learning Programme
- Community Engaged Learning course
- Advanced teaching course Community Engaged Learning
- Honours Teaching Programme
- Interdisciplinary Teaching Programme
- Course Didactics for Continuing Education
- Events, like congresses
To collect evaluations from students, you can use various options: such as the usual educational evaluations and feedback and education observation forms (see end of page).
You must describe your teaching experience in the Teaching CV. In doing so, you mention content, form and target group. The portfolio model includes a set-up for this.
Obtaining an Senior Teaching Qualification
To demonstrate that you meet the requirements for the Senior Teaching Qualification, you put together a portfolio. A portfolio model is available for this purpose.
To meet the requirement of didactic training, you put together your own training package.
If you think you meet all the requirements and have put together your portfolio:
- Apply for the assessment process (check the required deadlines for submitting the concept and final portfolio)
- You submit the entire draft portfolio digitally as two PDF files (one PDF file with the portfolio and one PDF file with the attachments) to docentprofessionalisering@umcutrecht.nl. You will then receive substantive feedback from one of the educational advisors via e-mail
- After processing the feedback received, you submit the final version of the portfolio. Once everything is complete, you can go for the appraisal interview. This interview will be conducted with two experienced lecturers from the Council of Assessors and will be supervised by an educational advisor
- if you also show in the interview that you meet the requirements, you will receive the UU certificate for the Senior Teaching Qualification on behalf of the Faculty of Medicine.
Cost of Educational Qualification Programs uitklapper, klik om te openen
The total cost of an educational qualification program is determined by
- Didactic training
The didactic training can be determined by the candidate, which means that the rates may vary. - The assessment process
The assessment process consists of receiving feedback on the draft version of the portfolio, a check of the quantitative requirements of the final version of the portfolio and an oral assessment interview The costs for the assessment processes are listed under information about the assessment weeks.
Feedback and observation forms uitklapper, klik om te openen
- Feedback Form - Lectures
- Student Feedback Form - Small Groups (short version)
- Student Feedback Form - Small Groups
- Student Feedback Form - Workplace supervision
- Feedback Form - General (short version)
- Feedback Form - Research supervision
- Peer Feedback Form - General
- Peer Feedback Form - Small Groups